Catch the Ace - How It Works

Catch the Ace is a progressive lottery that continues every week until the Ace of Spades is revealed.

We start by shuffling the 52 cards of a playing deck, placing them face down so we cannot see the cards, then sliding each one into its own envelope, again, without viewing them. The envelopes are then sealed, re-shuffled, then we number the sealed envelopes from 1 – 52. We do not know what cards are in which envelopes. This entire procedure is video recorded and available for the public to view.

Tickets are sold online only; no paper tickets will be sold . The buyer enters their name, phone number and envelope choice. All ticket stubs will be printed on paper stock of the exact same size, colour, and weight. All tickets purchased between 1 PM Tuesday and 11:59 PM the next Monday are placed into the raffle bin. Each week, we conduct a draw of all tickets purchased that week (tickets are good for only the one week of the draw) at 11 am on Tuesday. Only one ticket is drawn from the raffle bin.

That one weekly draw winner wins 20% of the total sales for that week, or basically $2.00 for every ticket sold. 30% of the sales every week are put towards the progressive jackpot. ONLY one envelope that the weekly draw winner has chosen on their ticket is opened and ONLY the weekly draw winner can win the jackpot. He/she has their chosen envelope opened and if it is the Ace of Spades, they win the jackpot as well as the weekly prize; if it is not the Ace of Spades that envelope number is retired from play and there is one less envelope in next week’s draw.

It is irrelevant how many people select the same envelope number, again, it only matters to the one person whose ticket is drawn, ONLY that one person can win the weekly prize or the jackpot. The lottery continues each week until the Ace of Spades is selected by the raffle draw winner.

Video on the card in envelope process - Vidéo sur le processus de l'insertion des cartes dans les enveloppes